Pumps Dublin are part of the well renowned Infinity Electrical Group. At www.ecoelectricheaters.ie,we also provide installations for brand new modern Eco Electric storage heating. If you have an immersion that has a fault and needs replaced then visit us at: immersion-heater.ie. If you require any other assistance in relation to electrical or plumbing issues, then please contact Infinity electrical group
on mobile: 083-1625009 or landline: 01-4458543.


| 12 months warranty on parts | Friendly and prompt service |  
| Full service on all pump repairs | Guide on how to use your pump | 

Thinking of Installing a New Shower Installation?

A new shower pump can make a huge difference and has the power to provide you with a more exhilarating and relaxing shower experience, helping to create the perfect start or end to your day.

We supply and install all of the most up to date and modern shower pumps always ensuring that we provide you with the best quality products on the market at an affordable price.

Buying a new shower for your bathroom installation or upgrade?

  • We all agree that there’s nothing like a brand new shower with multi functions and easy to use settings to make life a bit easier in the mornings but what if your water pressure is too poor to cope?
  • The simple answer in boosting any poor water flow is usually a shower pump – but how do you know if you definitely need one?

How is Your Water Pressure?

If you are hoping for an indoor rainforest waterfall, you might want to double check that your water pressure is up to scratch, if it is not, we have the ideal water pump solution for you, helping to boost your water flow.

How to Tell if You have Poor Water Pressure

It will usually be obvious if you have poor water pressure, the sink will take a long time to fill and your toilet will probably be very slow to refill after a flush. If you aren’t sure, one of our plumbers will be happy to check your water pressure for you.

I Have Poor Water Pressure What can I Do ?

The best solution for you will likely be a shower pump. This will help increase water flow and regulate your water pressure.

Will my Hot Water System Affect my Pump Choice ?

Yes. You will need to check what kind of hot water heating system you already have installed in your house or apartment. Call one of our experienced technicians today who will be happy to assist you.

Please note that shower pumps are best suited to open vented hot and cold water systems.

What will my new pump do?

  • Showers–  The pressure of your hot/cold water flow will increase from one shower
  • Bathrooms– The pressure of your hot/cold water flow will increase to all the bathroom outlets.
  • Throughout the property– The pressure of your hot/cold water flow will increase to multiple/several outlets and appliances.

There are several different types of domestic water pumps to suit every individual need. You might want to check what type of water pump you require based upon the type of water system that is installed in your home or business premises.

For example, the different kinds of pump we stock include: single head positive domestic water pumps, single head negative pumps, twin head positive and twin head negative pumps.

Stuart Turner Water Pump Range

Stuart Turner provides a wide range of pumps in Ireland and the most common and well-used ones are the M330N and the Monsoon range. They also manufacture the ST55 and ST66 plastic pumps which would commonly be used for showers this has now been replaced by shower mate eco. The most popular pumps used in houses and apartments is the universal 2 bars, 1.5, and 3 bar pumps.

Stuart Turner Monsoon universal 2.0 bar twin pump with a negative head.

This is the most popular choice for apartments to boost your water flow including showers, toilets, sinks, and Bath. It is a negative head pump but can be used as a positive head. This features a brass sided pump and a pressure vessel.

The Monsoon 2.0 Universal twin pumps are manufactured to be installed into vented systems to pump equally the cold and hot water supplies which will then increase both the same. This would suit both negative and positive pumps.

The Monsoon Universal pumps do not need a gravity flow of water for them to start.

Stuart Turner Monsoon Universal Positive head 1.5 bar twin pump.

These are designed to pump and increase cold and hot water system to the whole apartment or house for the sinks, toilets, showers, and baths. The most common used pumps in houses are the 1.5 bar and 2 bar pumps. They are manufactured to offer you years of service and feature a brass sided pump.

Monsoon Standard 2.0 bar twin are ideally manufactured to increase both incoming hot and cold-water supply to the bath, shower, shower mixer or mix tap. Only appropriate for a positive head application.

Monsoon Standard pumps are ideally used for installation in open vented cold or hot water systems.

Gravity Fed Systems – what kind of installation should I go for?

This type of system usually consists of a cold-water storage tank, this will then feed a hot water cylinder and cold outlets. It usually requires gravity for the flow of water and pressure. These systems are normally found in an older house and are completely dependent on a lot of things which will affect the water pressure that is coming from your shower, it will also affect the main pressure feed into your home and the distance from your cold-water tank and your shower head.

Depending on which head you have negative or positive is will still affect the steps you take to improve your entire water pressure.

1 x shower (100-120mm head) and bathroom:

2 x showers (1 120mm+ head) and bathrooms:

Several bathrooms and outlets, including baths and showers with shower jets:

Pump Repair and Replacement services in Dublin and the Surrounding Areas

The number 1 Stuart Turner pump repair, service, installation and replacement providers in Dublin.

Our company can supply, source, and install all the most popular and common spare parts of Stuart Turner pumps. We carry all the spare parts in our vans so that we can carry out any repair service on the same day.

List of Brands that we can install, repair or replace are as follows:

Monsoon, Stuart Turner, Lowara, and DAB.

Lowara, Salamander, Pedrollo, Grundfos, and Watermill.

Danube (Grundfos), Amazon (Grundfos), Flotec Saniflo, Nile (Grundfos), Niagara (Grundfos), Monsoon M330n (Stuart Turner), Aqualisa, ST66 (Stuart Turner), ST55 (Stuart Turner), Prestige, Bristan, and Carter.

We replace, service, and repair the following Stuart Turner pump models:

Stuart Turner Universal positive and negative head 2.0 bar pumps.

Stuart Turner Universal positive and negative head 1.5 bar pumps.

Stuart Turner 4.0 bar brass pumps positive and negative head.

3.0 bar pumps positive and negative Stuart Turner Universal head.

Negative head M550N and M330N Stuart Turner pumps.

M330N Water Pump by Stuart Turner.

ST66 ST55 Stuart Turner pumps.

Monsoon Positive and negative head 2.0 bar pumps.

Monsoon positive and negative head 1.5 bar pumps.

Monsoon positive and negative head 4.0 bar pumps.

Monsoon positive and negative head 3.0 bar pumps.